Friday, December 30, 2005

Christmas 2005

Isabel on Christmas morning.
Maya loves her new toy.
Jill is very excited about her tootbrush.
Lee and Caleb wrestling with Jill.
Dad loving on Maya. (notice him gritting his teeth)
Our biggest.
Auntie Em and Maya.
Risa and Isabel.
Papaw,Maya, and Mamaw.
Crazy dad!!!
Jill brushing her pony's hair.

Maya enjoying adult conversation.
Aunt Hollie and Maya.

Isabel with Gordon's girlfriend, Sara.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Isabel's Gap

Isabel lost her top tooth last week! Look at that hole!

Monday, December 26, 2005

A Look at the year 2005

As this year comes to an end we start to think back to what has happened. What miracles, challenges, changes, etc... I figured I'd give everyone a little bit of what has happened in our household and add some pictures from this past year.
Will and I celebrated 10 years together in September. Very crazy. We can't imagine not ever being without each other. God has truly blessed us with each other. We are best friends and he's the love of my life.
Will also has been with the Lawfirm for 10 years as of August. His job is such an amazing blessing. He enjoys his work and the people he works with. Well... most of them. Just kidding.
He started college this year. He is attending St. Edwards University. He finished this semester with 14 credit hours and a 4.0 GPA. We are very proud of him. It has been a lot of work. And we don't get to see him as much as we would like. He also helps out at the church all the time. Our church remodeled a building this summer and he helped do things like lay floors, carpet, walls, landscaping and more. What an awesome time. He helps with the New Members class, Sunday School, Sound and Computer stuff...... on and on. I am so proud to have a husband that is so helpful to everyone. As I write this, he is at the Firework stand selling fireworks for the church fundraiser.

Let's see what happened to me this year... hmmm not much.. OH YEAH - I had a baby! So I have been learning to be a mom of 3 girls. I have a lot of help with Will, Isabel and Jill. It sure is different going places with 3 kids. But it is fun. I also helped start a Moms group at church. We meet every Friday. I have truly enjoyed the fellowship and so has Jill. I am fortunate to have several friends that are home with their kids that I can get pointers from, etc..
We also had Emi's wedding in September. Will did the officiating and I was the Matron of Honor. It was a beautiful wedding. I will post some pictures. Emi was so gorgeous. And we think that Marshall is a great catch.

Isabel is in 1st grade now. She is still in the Dual Language program. When she speaks spanish it sounds like music. She sounds so pretty. Alot of time she doesn't know what she is saying, but eventually she will. She has learned to ride a bike without training wheels, tie her shoes, read very well and more. Most recently she has started taking piano lessons from my mom. She is doing really amazing. She memorizes the songs quickly. And is getting better at reading the music. She can't even walk past the piano without playing a song. This last week she lost her top tooth. She looks tons older now. She starts basketball again next month.

Jill is such a fun kid. She is non-stop. Everyone is amazed at her energy. She says the cutest things all the time. She loves pennies and her care bear. Her and Isabel play so well together. She likes to play alone also. Which is pretty good for a 2 year old. She is potty trained now!!! May seem kind of silly to put that on here, but if you think so.. sorry. Big accomplishment! She loves church and her friends (Especially JesseBeth and Dale) she "Lubs them".

Maya was born in July. She is the sweetest thing. She loves sucking her thumb. Her eyes are kind of gray. Different than her big sisters. She thinks Isabel and Jill are very funny. She just laughs and laughs. She's rolling over and scooting everywhere. And she "talks". Very serious conversations. :-)

That is what I can think of to write. Can't wait to see what this year holds. We love all of you and pray for you. God Bless you this year. Draw closer to Him and He will draw closer to you.
The Krauss'

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Hannah and Isabel

Look how big these 6 year olds are.

Jill loves her chocolate

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Family Pictures